November 18. 2024
WEAU Interview with Judy Clark for Fall 2024 "Music is for Sharing" Concert
November 8. 2024
Local choir brings hopes and community for those experiencing memory loss
Allison Skarda, Eau Claire Leader-Telegram Staff
EAU CLAIRE— Every Thursday morning, nearly 80 people arrive at the church off of Cedar Street for choir rehearsal, clutching purple binders filled with sheet music. It takes something special to draw such a crowd and that’s precisely what Stand in the Light Memory Choir is — a choir specifically for those affected by memory loss.
“Music sparks something very deep in memory and you see people really come alive during rehearsal,” said the choir’s administrative assistant Kobi Shaw. “That spark, you can see it in their eyes, you can see it in their body language, you can see it in the way they open up.”

April 16. 2024
WEAU Interview with Judy Clark for Spring 2024 "Music Makes Us Better" Concert
EAU CLAIRE, Wis. (WEAU) - “Music Makes Us Better”, is the name of the upcoming Spring concert by the Stand in the Light Memory Choir. The concert is Thursday, April 18 at 10am for the dress rehearsal, and 6:30 p.m. for the evening concert at Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd in Eau Claire. There is a $15 suggested donation.
Then, on Sunday, April 28, the choir will participate in an “Intergenerational Concert” at 2 p.m. at Gantner Concert Hall in the Haas Fine Arts Center on the UW-Eau Claire campus.
The concert will also feature the Chippewa Valley Youth Choirs, and Chorale a Nouveau.
April 16. 2024
WQOW Interview with Sam Fristed for Spring 2024 "Music Makes Us Better" Concert
February 8. 2024
Best of the Chippewa Valley Reader Poll 2024 - Best Choir
Tom Giffey, Volume One
Best Choir may be a new question to our poll, but the choral organizations represented here have been using the power of the human voice to move audiences for years. Readers selected the Stand in the Light Memory Choir, directed by longtime local musician Cathy Reitz, as their favorite. The choir, composed of people experiencing early- to mid-stage memory loss and their care partners, demonstrates that music is a transcendent lifelong pursuit.
December 15, 2023
Eau Claire church uses Christmas sing-along to help people with memory loss
EAU CLAIRE (WQOW) - On Thursday people who are experiencing memory loss got to showcase their voices at Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd for the 8th annual Christmas Spirit Sing- Along.Dozens of people gathered dressed up in festive clothes and accessories in the worship area to sing Christmas carols as a part of the church's 'Stand in the Light Memory Choir.'
December 12, 2023
WEAU Ellie Pomerleau Interveiws for 2023 Christmas Carol Sing-Alongs
5:45 a.m. Segment
6:15 a.m. Segment
6:45 a.m. Segment
November 14, 2023
WEAU Judy Clark Interveiw for Fall 2023 "Love Wins!" Concert
November 9, 2023
WQOW Kate Phernetton Interveiw for Fall 2023 "Love Wins!" Concert
April 17, 2023
WQOW Kate Phernetton Interveiw for Spring 2023 "Sing On!" Concert
April 13, 2023
WEAU Judy Clark Interveiw for Spring 2023 "Sing On!" Concert
November 14, 2022
WEAU Judy Clark Interveiw for Fall 2022 "In My Life" Concert
November 14, 2022
WQOW Kate Phernetton Interveiw for Fall 2022 "In My Life" Concert
May 19, 2022
Two choirs join voices across state borders, raising awareness for those living with dementia
‘I Won’t Forget – Memories and Music’ concert is being held at Pablo Center May 23.
Phoebe Murray - WEAU
Two well known choirs, one here in Eau Claire, and one out of Decorah, Iowa, are soon sharing the stage to shine a light on individuals in the community living with dementia. One note, lyric or song has the ability to transport any finely-tuned ear back in time.
May 13, 2022
‘I Won’t Forget – Memories and Music’ Concert
Becomes a Family Affair
Concert will celebrate love, loss, and family while educating people about the damages of dementia
Barbara Arnold - Volume One
Luther College’s world-acclaimed Nordic Choir from Decorah, Iowa, and Eau Claire’s Stand in the Light Memory Choir will perform at the “I Won’t Forget – Memories and Music” concert from 6:30-8:30 pm Monday, May 23, in the RCU Theatre at the Pablo Center at the Confluence.
Eau Claire is the first stop in the 75th-anniversary tour for the Decorah, Iowa-based choir. The concert’s featured piece, “I Won’t Forget,” was created in memory of Rachel Studt, an alumna of Luther College and an accomplished pianist, who passed away from early-onset dementia in January 2021 at age 53. Her husband, Dr. Larry Studt, an occupational medicine physician with Prevea, wrote the words shortly after she passed away, and commissioned Zachary J. Moore, a 2015 graduate in music education from UW-Eau Claire, to compose the music to his words.
April 18, 2022
Stand in the Light” Memory Choir Spring Concert
Judy Clark - WEAU
People in the early to mid-stages of memory loss, their care partners, and singing volunteers come together in song with the “Stand in the Light” Memory Choir. The spring concert, “I Will Sing”, will be held Thursday, April 21 at 6:30 p.m. at Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd in Eau Claire. Free tickets are required. Call 715-210-4165 for tickets.
Director Cathy Reitz also talks about “Summer Sings”, Thursdays from July 7-28, from 9:45 a.m.-11 a.m.
April 15, 2022
Stand In The Light Memory Choir prepares for in-person concert
By: Katie Phernetton - WQOW
The first in-person, live audience for The Stand In The Light Memory Choir in over 2 years returns next week. The choir's director stopped by Daybreak to talk about the excitement surrounding the live audiences. The concert will be on April 21 at 6:30 p.m. It is a ticketed event, but they are free. You can reserve them by calling 715-210-4165. A livestream will also be offered on Facebook and YouTube.
April 7, 2022
Spectrum West radio interview with Al Ross
Cathy Reitz, artistic and musical director of Stand in Light Memory Choir, highlights its Spring concert happening on April 21 at Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd in Eau Claire.
To hear Cathy Reitz's interview, click here.
March 19, 2022
Carnival of Learning: Academy for Lifelong Learners Welcomes All
UWEC to host 34th Academy for Lifelong Learners, formerly Senior Americans Day
Enjoy a day of fun-filled learning at the Academy for Lifelong Learners. After being on hold for two years, the event – previously called Senior Americans Day – is back for its 34th year. Register for June 7 at the Davies Center on the UW-Eau Claire campus for a hyped-up event filled with educational activities, sponsor exhibits, and entertainment, all aimed at people aged 55 and over.
Cathy Reitz, retired music teacher and director of Stand in the Light Memory choir, is emcee this year, and she is excited to be a part of such a traditional and fulfilling event. “Hopefully my enthusiasm for this event and my choir and just my love of life is going to maybe spark something in someone,” Reitz said.
Dec 20, 2021 Updated Dec 27, 2021
Stand in the Light Memory Choir receives WARP grant
By Madeline Fuerstenberg Leader-Telegram staff
EAU CLAIRE — The Stand in the Light Memory Choir of Eau Claire has been endowed with a $3,000 grant from the Wisconsin American Rescue Plan Act, which is funded through the National Endowment for the Arts. The Memory Choir is a musical organization that aims to create a welcoming, inclusive and accessible learning environment for people in the early to mid-stages of memory or speech loss, their care partners and singing volunteers. Their stated mission is to “use the power of singing to move people with memory loss and their care partners to rediscover themselves, make new friends, laugh together, learn together and contribute to their community.”
November 11, 2021
Spectrum West radio interview with Al Ross
This week on ‘Spectrum West’, host Al Ross welcomes Cathy Reitz for a conversation about using music and singing to inspire people with memory loss. Reitz is the founder and director of Stand in the Light Memory Choir, an organization that does just that. The group is performing “We Stand Together” at 6:30 p.m. on Nov. 18 at Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd in Eau Claire. The event, which will be a hybrid live and virtual concert, is a celebration of having survived the pandemic.
To hear Cathy Reitz's interview, click here
October 14th, 2021
Keep On Shining! Stand in the Light Memory Choir Flourishes Amid Pandemic
Local choral program for those with dementia and other health conditions persists during isolating times

The Stand in the Light Memory Choir – a choral program for those with dementia and other health conditions – has worked hard over the past year and a half to keep running during the pandemic. Director Cathy Reitz, along with the choir’s board, had to decide whether the program, which began in 2016, would continue or wait until the pandemic was over. Despite not having the experience working with technology, Reitz stayed dedicated to the program.
“This choir does something to you. It makes you realize that this is more than just the music,” Reitz said as she began to tear up.
August 12, 2021
Stand in the Light Memory Choir comes back together in person
Hayley Jacobson - WQOW
Eau Claire (WQOW)- Stand in the Light Memory Choir is headed back to in person rehearsals starting this fall, with a virtual option. The choir uses the power of singing for people with memory loss and their care partners to help rediscover themselves. It was formed as a way for people with early to mid-stages of memory loss to share their love of music and enhance the quality of life for those suffering from Alzheimer's and other dementias by giving the singers a sense of purpose.
August, 11, 2021
WEAU Noon Interview - Memory Choir
Memory Choir hosts virtual showcase April 29
The Stand in the Light Memory Choir is making sure that the healing power of music can still be felt, even if it's virtually. Cathy Reitz, the choir's director joined News 18 Daybreak to talk about their spring showcase and how you can attend virtually. The showcase is Friday April 29. Click here for more information.
April 15, 2021
Stand in the Light Memory Choir holds first in-person rehearsal since March 2020
EAU CLAIRE, Wis. (WEAU) -For over a year, a local choir has practiced virtually due to the pandemic, and Thursday they were able to hold their first in-person rehearsal ahead of a virtual showcase. Stand in the Light Memory Choir held a rehearsal in the parking lot of Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd Thursday morning. The choir has held all of their rehearsals on Zoom since March 12, 2020. Musical Director Cathy Reitz says about half of the choir attended in person, with the other half on Zoom and despite a few technical difficulties it was a successful rehearsal.
April 15, 2021
Standing in the Light Memory Choir meets for the first time
in over a year
By Spencer Kristof
Eau Claire (WQOW) - After more than a year without seeing each other in person, the Standing in the Light Memory Choir held its first in-person rehearsal Thursday. The group provides a community for those suffering from memory loss and their caregivers. The choir met this morning at Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd to rehearse their music.
Dec 27, 2020
Memory choir hosts virtual showcase after year of ups and downs
Felicity Bosk - WQOW
Despite the hurdles created by the pandemic, the local Stand in the Light Memory Choir has made adjustments to make sure those struggling with memory loss are still gifted with the help of music.
Sunday night was its virtual showcase, something music director Cathy Reitz said has been an incredible journey. "It's been wild, really it's been a wild experience," she said.
December 18, 2020
Stand in the Light joins Hopefest 360° on New Year's Eve
Dunn County News

Stand in the Light Memory Choir of Eau Claire will be a featured voice during the worldwide Hopefest 360° event Dec. 31 through Jan. 1.
The Choir will also close out 2020 with a Facebook Live Event at 7 p.m. on Dec. 27. We invite the public to join us for this inspiring event as we celebrate and showcase our first semester as a virtual memory choir. Hopefest 360° will be broadcast around the world for free via YouTube, non-stop on New Year’s Eve and day. Over two dozen recording artists, plus hundreds of voices from around the globe, including Stand in the Light Memory Choir, will lift you up with their messages and their music. During 2020, the world has been disrupted in an unprecedented way. The global pandemic and its cascading effects have led us to unprecedented challenges, both socially and economically. Join SITLMC to welcome in the New Year as the clock strikes midnight around the world. Enjoy this virtual Event on demand whenever you want from wherever you are. Go to Hopefest 360° website to reserve your access today.

November 3, 2020
Stand in the Light Memory Choir continues to sing on
Chippewa Herald
Stand in the Light Memory Choir of Eau Claire, now in its fifth season, has found a way in the middle of the pandemic to continue its mission. The mission uses the power of singing to move people with memory loss and their care partners to rediscover themselves, make friends, laugh together and contribute to their community.
October 22, 2020
Stand in the Light Memory Choir is tuning up for fall showcase
Phoebe Murray - WEAU, Eau Claire, WI
The Mighty Mouse Theme song is in the works for the choir’s now virtual showcase November 19. “I thought you know, Mighty Mouse because that’s kind of what we did, we just all stepped in to save the day,” says Reitz.
Cathy Reitz, director of Stand in the Light Memory Choir says this group of singers is by far her most humbling choir. “We talk about the magic of music and we talk about how powerful music is and how it creates these bonds and every week I see that happen, I see that magic even in the virtual rehearsals,” Reitz says.

The beat goes on for Stand in the Light Memory Choir
Music inspires us, moves us and connects us. And for those suffering with memory loss, studies have shown that music can provide emotional and behavioral benefits. It can help those affected be able to recall memories, express emotion and enhance their mental performance. To sum it up: music helps heal.
For years The Stand in the Light Memory Choir has been doing just that. The choir, made up of people suffering from memory loss and their care-givers gives them all a place to connect and feel less alone. But once the pandemic hit and rehearsals had to stop, the choir had to press pause and figure out a way to keep the power of music and the power of togetherness alive and well in their group.

July 27, 2020
Stand in the Light Memory Choir keeps singing during pandemic
By Sarah Winkelmann, EAU CLAIRE, Wis. (WEAU)
A unique choir in the Chippewa Valley provides a place to sing for people with early to mid-stages of dementia. The Stand in the Light Memory Choir is not able to meet in person anymore, but they are going to keep singing.
The choir had to stop rehearsal in March, but later realized they needed to stay in contact with the group. Just last week, the choir got back together and they hosted their first virtual practice on zoom. There were about 35 people that joined in to sing and also just catch up with the group.

January 24, 2020
Stand in the Light Memory Choir creates new musical memories
for those suffering from memory loss
Parker Reed, Chippewa Herald
A local choir is doing its best to live in the present and provide new memories for those who may not be able to hold onto their old ones. The Stand in the Light Memory Choir is a choral group based in the Chippewa Valley that pairs those living with memory loss, Alzheimer’s disease or dementia with members of the community. The group performs two concerts annually, with its next performance at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, April 23, at the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd.
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