Healing Reflections
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Stand in the Light Memory Choir
Healing Reflection:
"Standing in the Light" by Cathy Reitz
art collaboration with Isabella Lyste
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Stand in the Light Memory Choir
Healing Reflection:
"Memories of Music" by Kobi Shaw
art collaboration with Ethan Eberhardt
"Healing Reflections is a collection of stories & experiences from staff within the Mayo Clinic Health System, as well as community members, that was compiled throughout 2020 & 2021. Pairing volunteer artists with stories that they connected with, each piece from the collection includes a story from a Mayo employee and/or community member as well as a piece of art inspired by the story teller’s experiences. Themes touched-on within the collection include healing, resilience, inclusion, diversity, hope, and economic hardship throughout and beyond the COVID pandemic. The goal of this project is to not only represent a historic time, but to allow healing by gaining insight and understanding into another’s experiences."
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